
HELiOS 2024 - Service Pack 2

Written by Willem van Kreij, Sales consultant | May 24, 2024 8:10:57 AM

Innovative features for a smooth workflow! With HELiOS 2024 SP2, the latest program version of our PDM software is now available. We have made every effort to optimise many functions for easier and faster use. We have briefly summarised the highlights of the version here for you.

  • Integration of the Print Client in the HELiOS Desktop
  • Integration of the import tool for HELiOS settings in the HELiOS Options dialog box
  • Optimisation of performance
  • Use of the new spooler interface for communication with the spooler
  • Display of the sheet structure in a separate tab
  • and much more

    For more information and an overview of all the new features, see our online help.

Document structure for HiCAD documents in HELiOS
This function shows the document structure managed in HELiOS for HiCAD documents based on the externally referenced geometries used.

New print client integrated into HELiOS and new conversion function
This feature presents two innovations in HELiOS: the new print client integrated into HELiOS and the new modern conversion function. These have been realised using the new intelligent interface for communication with the HELiOS spooler.