Interview with Experts: How HiCAD CAD Software is shaping the Dubai Skyline

Credit: Cube Metal Industries - Customer Project with HiCAD

In the vibrant tapestry of Dubai's architectural landscape, the dialogue between modernity and tradition finds its nexus in innovative technologies like HiCAD. Through the lenses of Mohammed (Technical Consultant Manager – ISD Group Middle East) and Hicham (Technical Sales Manager – ISD Group Middle East), we've delved into the transformative impact of HiCAD, bridging the gap between conventional methodologies and cutting-edge design solutions.

Amidst the captivating projects of DASA, Mohammed and Hicham share their insights on the vibrant architectural landscape of Dubai. Before delving into their perspectives, let's briefly overview Dubai's architectural scene to provide a clearer understanding of the significance of HiCAD.

Dubai stands as a global architectural hub renowned for its audacious skyscrapers, innovative designs, and ambitious urban projects. From the iconic Burj Khalifa to the futuristic Dubai Marina, the city's skyline is a testament to its progressive vision and unwavering pursuit of architectural excellence. Within this dynamic environment, traditional craftsmanship intertwines with state-of-the-art technologies, creating a unique synthesis of old-world charm and modern innovation.

Embracing Innovation with HiCAD

Mohammed reminisces about his journey transitioning from 2D software to the dynamic world of HiCAD. "Before embracing HiCAD, my work primarily revolved around traditional 2D design tools," he recounts. "However, the introduction of HiCAD's 3D model revolutionized my approach. It allowed me to visualize and refine designs with unparalleled precision, ultimately enhancing both creativity and productivity."

He highlights the transformative impact of HiCAD's automation features, streamlining tasks and ensuring consistency throughout the design process. "One of HiCAD's standout features is its ability to effortlessly generate comprehensive production drawings," Mohammed adds. "This not only saves time but also enhances the overall efficiency of the workflow."

In discussing the project life cycle, Mohammed elucidated the intricacies, emphasizing the pivotal role of 3D modeling and the efficiency gains afforded by HiCAD. "In the project life cycle," he explained, "we begin with the creation of a 3D model. Once the modeling phase is completed, we progress to the crucial stage of generating shop drawings. These drawings are then submitted for approval. With HiCAD, this process becomes remarkably streamlined."

He continued, highlighting HiCAD's transformative impact on expediting material orders. "Upon approval of the shop drawings, we swiftly proceed to material ordering. HiCAD facilitates this step with remarkable ease. With the model in hand, I can place material orders within a mere three days, even for extensive projects. Without HiCAD, this timeline could extend to an arduous month. The difference is staggering."

Mohammed underscored the significance of this efficiency in the overall project timeline. "Following the procurement of materials, we move forward to production or release of the product and associated drawings. HiCAD condenses this entire process into a mere two months, a remarkable reduction from the six-month timeline typically required. Not only does HiCAD expedite the process, but it also presents a more cost-effective solution."

Bridging the Gap Between Old and New

Contrastingly, Hicham reflects on the dynamic interplay between traditional and modern design methodologies within Dubai's architectural landscape. "In my experience, there is no old," he asserts. "Transitioning from various 3D software to HiCAD was a significant departure from conventional practices. However, the versatility of HiCAD in encompassing diverse industries has been truly remarkable."

Hicham emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the coexistence of traditional 2D workflows alongside innovative technologies like HiCAD. "While many still rely on 2D methodologies, our commitment to innovation led us to develop bespoke solutions tailored for facade engineering," he explains. "This strategic alignment with evolving architectural trends positions us at the forefront of innovation in Dubai."

HiCAD: Shaping Dubai's Skyline

Mohammed underlines HiCAD's essential role in shaping Dubai's ever-evolving skyline. "In a city characterized by progressive architectural visions, HiCAD stands out as the ultimate solution for intricate and character-filled designs," he asserts. "Its structural engineering and metalwork modules offer unparalleled precision, empowering designers to realize their creative visions with confidence."

He emphasizes the significance of HiCAD's Element Installation module in facilitating automation and parameterization of design elements. "This functionality not only streamlines workflows but also enhances creativity, unlocking boundless possibilities for designers," Mohammed concludes.

As Dubai continues to embrace innovation while honoring its rich cultural heritage, the dialogue between modernity and tradition finds its expression in the seamless integration of technologies like HiCAD. Through the perspectives of Mohammed and Hicham, we gain valuable insights into the transformative impact of HiCAD on Dubai's architectural landscape, bridging the gap between the old and the new with unparalleled creativity and precision.

In essence, HiCAD serves as a testament to Dubai's progressive architectural vision, offering designers the tools they need to realize their creative visions with confidence. As the city continues to evolve, the synergy between modernity and tradition finds its expression in the seamless integration of technologies like HiCAD, shaping Dubai's skyline for generations to come.